Remove oui-table Cisco SG3xx

voice vlan oui-table remove 0001e3
voice vlan oui-table remove 00036b
voice vlan oui-table remove 00096e
voice vlan oui-table remove 000fe2
voice vlan oui-table remove 0060b9
voice vlan oui-table remove 0060b9
voice vlan oui-table remove 00d01e
voice vlan oui-table remove 00e075
voice vlan oui-table remove 00e0bb

How to enable scp [Cisco ASA]

asa(config)#ssh scopy enable
$ scp Downloads/asdm-7101.bin admin@
admin@'s password: 

Print file (cat) without comments and empty lines

$ cat /etc/postfix/ | egrep -v "(^#.*|^$)"
egrep -v      means leave the following out
^#.*          means patterns that begin with a #
|             means or
^$            means patterns that are empty


cat /etc/postfix/ | egrep -v "^\s*(#|$)"

How to mount cifs [ansible]

Simple ansible play too mount samba/cifs share using credential file.

- name: "mount share"
     state: "mounted"
     fstype: "cifs"
     name: /mnt/win/
     src: "//"
     opts: "credentials=/root/.smb_passwords,file_mode=0644,dir_mode=0755,gid=root,uid=root"

Credential file looks like

# cat /root/.smb_passwords

It’s also usefull to umount folder

  - name: Unmount
     path: /mnt/win/
     state: unmounted

CentOS8 tcp_wrappers missing

TCP wrappers is a simple tool to block incoming connection on application level. This was very useful 20 years ago, when there were no firewalls in Linux. This is not the case for today and connection filtering should be done in network level or completely in application scope if it makes sense. After recent discussions I believe it is time to go for this package, if not completely, than at least as a dependency of modern daemons in system by default.